Year after year, marketing budgets shrink, teams stay lean, and responsibilities—and challenges—grow.

But there’s good news: Most challenges faced by lean marketing teams are common, and a handful of best practices may be all you need to make the most of your resources and drive outstanding results.

If your team—especially one tasked with managing a global brand—struggles with a tight budget and pressure to prove its effectiveness, you can benefit from the advice in our e-book, 8 Challenges Facing Small Marketing Teams. In it, you’ll learn how to:

  • Hire the right people
  • Prioritize marketing activities
  • Create and repurpose thoughtful content
  • Offload burdensome tasks with technologies, partners and agencies

You’ll also discover ways to make the shift from yesterday’s marketing approach to modern solutions that may save your team time and money.

Download this e-book containing:

  • Advice for staying nimble and adaptable
  • How to examine and prioritize your market development strategy
  • Insight into the resource-saving power of the digital revolution
  • How to apply long-cycle learning to execute plans and evaluate results

Remember: Small marketing teams can still generate big results. With prioritization and investment in the right people and tools, lean teams can achieve success on par with their much larger counterparts.

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