Video 29 de marzo de 2022

Seminario web: El beneficio de traducir su contenido en múltiples canales

Thank you for joining me in our The Benefit of Translating your Multichannel Content webinar.

It’s an honor to have you all here.

Before we begin, I want to thank my team for making this webinar possible and especially Sheila and Dominic for their support and dedication to bringing high-quality content to you.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Manouela Pla and I am the Senior Document Translation Specialist here at MotionPoint. I have been working at MotionPoint for over 10 years and before MotionPoint for over 10 years in the e-commerce/Webhosting industry. For the past 2 ½ years I have been helping our customers to translate all their documentation needs.

I was born & raised in Frankfurt Germany by Greek parents. As I like to say: Made in Germany with Greek parts. I moved to the United States 26 years ago and worked in the e-commerce/Webhosting industry and in the translation industry utilizing my German language skills. Coming from a non-English speaking background I understand how important it is to speak to your consumer in their preferred language.

My intention for this webinar is that you leave informed and empowered to make decisions that will bring significant value to your companies.

We will be recording this webinar and we’ll send you all the materials discussed today, so you can relax and enjoy… and not worry about taking notes.

What will be covering today:


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  • La importancia de hablar a los clientes en su idioma preferido
  • The Multichannel experience
  • El 2.° idioma más hablado en EE. UU. y Canadá
  • What is the business impact of not translating your multichannel
  • The Federal language compliance guidelines for multilingual support
  • Cómo garantizar calidad y ahorros con la memoria de traducción
  • And How to translate your multichannel for your global consumers

Let’s do this!


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Let’s talk about the Multichannel Experience

Multichannel includes various touchpoints that seamlessly integrate a company branding and messaging to online and offline digital content across multiple channels.

This includes: Online and Offline Documents, Marketing Automation Software, Social Media Channels, Mobile Applications, and Website & Secure Portals

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So why is multilingual support so important? Because you need to provide an excellent consumer experience as it is critical for engaging consumers and driving growth.

We have found that

  • 74% of consumers would most likely
    buy from a business that supplied post-sales help in their language.1

    • Over 58.4% said it expanded their faithfulness to the brand
    • 1: CSA Research
  • And in fact, over 56.2% of consumers said that the ability to obtain information in their language is more important than price.2
  • 2: Harvard Business Review


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Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the U.S.

    • Even among non-Hispanic speakers

In Fact, Over 60.5 million Hispanics live in the U.S.1

  • From 2010 through 2019 the Hispanic population has grown to more than 19% and that is actually 26% in U.S. South

Canadian French is the 2nd most spoken language in Canada 3

And it is also the official language alongside English.

22% of the population reported that they speak only French

And 21% speak only French at home

The official language in Quebec province is French

The truth is that only 40% of Québec’s French-speaking population speak English

French-Canadian is our top translated language for our Offline Documents

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Potential Business impact

In fact:

40% of consumers prefer to transact online in their native languages1

    • Among Limited English Proficient consumers, this increases to 67%

40%  of (Limited English Proficient) consumers never transact on sites that are not translated2

And 29% of companies have reported losing consumers for lack of multilingual support

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This shows us that Multichannel Translation is Critical

As it Improves Consumer Satisfaction

  • Over 75% of consumers are bound to return, assuming that help is in their language.1
  • 72% of consumer service leaders saw an increase in consumer satisfaction ratings when they could deliver consumer service in their preferred language.2

Given a choice, 76% of Limited English Proficient consumers would choose sites in the preferred language.

And This grows to 89% among consumers with the lowest English fluency

  • 75% repeatedly transact when consumer care is localized3


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The federal government is catching up to these statistics, and we now see that legislation is growing in this area.

We have an opportunity to get ahead of the curve and be the first ones to solve this.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has recently issued language compliance guidelines and has enforced actions against businesses that exploit Limited English Proficient consumers.

As per the National Law Review, Legislation will require lenders to provide translated materials.

And the Office québécois (quebeca) de la langue (lalong)  françaises enforces the use of the French Language in Quebec.

And BTW, the US Department of Housing will penalize providers for discriminating based on Language Proficiency status

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So how do we ensure quality & savings?

Having a Glossary and Style Guide is very important as it ensures the brand voice by using industry terms. The Style Guide documents the Brand Voice, the Tone of the translation, and the formality level, and the Glossary lists all the terms that are important to your industry and ensures the translation that best suits your company.

  • Documents your industry’s terms and brand voice

Whereas the Translation Memory, will dramatically reduce your translation costs and keep translations consistent.

In fact, when translating into an already existing language at MotionPoint we can use the already established memory, and that applies for Online or Offline memory. So it is good to centralize your translations.

This helps with Brand consistency as we are using already established Style Guides and Glossaries.

Using your translation memory will also ensure that we leverage memory to pick up and repletion which lowers the amount of words that need to be translated and reduces your costs.

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We offer different options for Translation Services.

We provide translations for OFFLINE Documents, Videos, and Online Digital content through Proxy, Connectors/Plugins, and API

We support over 112 languages and offer Professional Human Translation and we are ISO9001 and ISO 17100 Certified.

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MotionPoint provides high-quality translations for top industries such as Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, and more.

For example, many of our offline customers use MotionPoint to translate their brochures, catalogs, manuals, and printed forms as they are particularly effective at accelerating the buyer's journey. Most companies also use offline assets to educate and train employees or support local partners and distributors.

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We’ve been doing this for the past 20 years and we are supporting

    • Online & Offline Documents
    • Websites & Secure Portals
    • Social Media Channels
    • Marketing Automotive Software
    • Desktop Publishing (DTP)
    • Digital Multimedia

Categorias: Traducción de sitios web, encargado de marketing, agilizar operaciones, optimizar rendimiento, video

Servicios de traducción omnicanal de MotionPoint

Servicios de traducción omnicanal de MotionPoint

Localice su contenido multicanal para los mercados globales al tiempo que minimiza los costos y la complejidad operativa.
9 consejos para elegir un excelente proveedor de traducción de sitios web y omnicanal

9 consejos para elegir un excelente proveedor de traducción de sitios web y omnicanal

Esta guía práctica le ayudará a determinar la mejor opción para su empresa.
Guía gráfica: el valor de traducir contenido de omnicanales

Guía gráfica: el valor de traducir contenido de omnicanales

Localizar sus documentos, boletines por correo electrónico, redes sociales y más puede aumentar su base de clientes en mercados globales.


Pregúntenos cómo podemos ayudarle a crecer a nivel global, sin complicaciones.

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