Prioritize Patient Retention over Acquisition

The healthcare industry is a complex network of communication structures to bring patients in for care and retain them for as long as they need care. Patient retention involves many moving parts within a healthcare organization to ensure patients receive optimal care.

If you’re looking to learn about how to develop patient retention strategies in the healthcare industry, this e-book can jumpstart your knowledge and give you some ideas of where to begin your evaluation and implementation of retention strategies.

In this e-book, you’ll learn about:

  • The importance of patient retention in the healthcare industry
  • The value of retaining a patient over acquiring one
  • The significance of utilizing surveys and loyalty programs to engage patient retention
  • How localization benefits healthcare communication for people with limited English proficiency (LEP)

Download this e-book to receive:

  • Data about healthcare patient experiences and what patients value when engaging with a healthcare provider
  • Six patient retention tips and strategies that can improve the bottom line for healthcare organizations
  • Information about how translation and localization can benefit patients from various communities

The Highlights Health care is patient care, and patients are satisfied with care when they feel valued. But that value can only be felt with open and successful communication. Your current and potential patients will always have choices regarding healthcare. Not only do you need to be the best choice when patients are making a healthcare decision, but you must continue to do so when patients are exposed to your competitors.

Some considerations you’ll find in this e-book includes:

  • Why engaging today’s patients requires knowing and accommodating each patient’s communication preferences, personal needs, and healthcare habits
  • Why prioritizing LEP patient care through localization can result in an increase in patient retention as well as better health outcomes
  • How communication is a touchstone for patient engagement and retention, including translation and localization
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