Character encoding plays a critical role in properly rendering text on a localized website.

Proper character encoding ensures that special characters in other languages—such as accented letters—display on translated sites.

Since localization is key to delivering a resonant digital CX for global customers, it's vital that this text displays properly. In this e-book, you'll learn more about character encoding, including:

  • More about what character encoding does
  • The three most common encoding formats: ASCII, UTF-8 and Unicode
  • Which format you should use to ensure translated text displays properly

Plan ahead. Poorly designed webpages can cost your company time and money when errors must be fixed in multiple languages.

This ebook offers key lessons about:

  • Why website design choices can cost you money in translation
  • How to best leverage character encoding for your website
  • Maintaining character encoding across media

Remember: Your in-language website is key to telling global customers they matter to your business, so take steps to ensure quality from the start.

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